Page 450 - Hartac Flip Catalogue 2014
P. 450

terMs And CondItIons

          1.  INTERPRETATION                 10.  PROVISION OF CREDIT                operate for any reason within the warranty period and the
            1.1  In these terms and conditions;  10.1  The provision of credit by HARTAC SALES to the CUSTOMER,   GOODS are returned to Hartac Sales at the CUSTOMER s
              (a)  “HARTAC SALES” means Hartac Sales and Distribution Pty   and the terms of such credit, is at the absolute discretion of   expense, HARTAC SALES will repair or replace the GOODS
                Ltd of 19 Wheeler Street Belmont WA 6104.  HARTAC SALES. Without prejudice to the generality of the   free of charge:
              (b)  “CUSTOMER” means the CUSTOMER whose name   foregoing:            (a)  The GOODS must be returned to HARTAC SALES with
                appears on the quotation or invoice.  (a)  HARTAC SALES may in its absolute discretion extend and/  proof of purchase,
              (c)  “GOODS” means all of the products and, if any, services   or continue to extend credit to the CUSTOMER   subject   (1)  Our GOODS come with guarantees that cannot be
                supplied by HARTAC SALES to the CUSTOMER as   to the provision of such details as HARTAC SALES may   excluded under the Australian Consumer Law. You
                                                                                        are entitled to a replacement or refund for a major
                described on the purchase order agreed to by HARTAC   require; or       failure and compensation for any other reasonably
                SALES and the CUSTOMER  , or otherwise whatsoever.  (b)  HARTAC SALES may in its absolute discretion extend and/  foreseeable loss or damage. You are also entitled to
            1.2  Nothing in these terms and conditions shall be read or   or continue to extend credit to the CUSTOMER   subject to   have the GOODS repaired or replaced if the GOODS
                                                   the provision of security whether by personal guarantees
              applied so as to exclude, restrict or modify or have the                  fail to be of acceptable quality.
              effect of excluding, restricting or modifying any condition,   or other security in a form which is acceptable to HARTAC
              warranty, guarantee, right or remedy implied by law   SALES; or         (2)  Any claim under this warranty must be made within
              (including, without limitation the Trade Practices Act 1974   (c)  HARTAC SALES may in its absolute discretion cancel or   21 days of the date of the purchase of the product. To
                                                                                        make a claim under the warranty, the products must
              and the Fair Trading Act 1987) and which by law cannot be   vary credit made available to the CUSTOMER   in which   be returned to HARTAC SALES 19 Wheeler Street
              excluded, restricted or modified.    case the CUSTOMER   shall forthwith pay to HARTAC   Belmont WA 6104, phone 08 9373 3700, email
          2.  GENERAL                              SALES the cash amount of the credit withdrawn.
            2.1  These terms and conditions form part of the sales   11.  REFUNDS   (b)  The GOODS must not have been altered in any way.
              agreement between HARTAC SALES and the CUSTOMER, and   1.1  All refunds made by HARTAC SALES shall be made by way   (c)  Failure of the GOODS must not be due to misuse,
              prevail over all terms and conditions of the CUSTOMER’S   of crediting the account unless the CUSTOMER   paid for the   improper installation, and connection to the wrong
              order to the extent of any inconsistency between the two.  GOODS or products sold by HARTAC SALES in cash and has   voltage or any other abuse.
          3.  TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE       expressly requested in writing a cash refund.  (d)  HARTAC SALES will not be responsible for damage or loss
            3.1  The GOODS and all other products sold by HARTAC SALES to   12.  RETURN OF GOODS FOR CREDIT  to GOODS caused during shipping.
              the CUSTOMER are sold on these terms and conditions of   12.1  Subject to the following conditions, the CUSTOMER may   15.2  Apart from any warranties implied by the Trade Practices Act
              trading.                           return GOODS to HARTAC SALES and receive credit.  1974, the Fair Trading Act 1987 (WA) and/or part V of the
          4.  VENDOR’S QUOTATION                 (a)  HARTAC SALES shall not be under any obligation to   sale of GOODS Act 1895 (WA), all other warranties express
                                                                                     or implied and whether arising by virtue of statute or
                                                   accept GOODS returned by the CUSTOMER   and will
            4.1  Any quotation made by HARTAC SALES to the CUSTOMER   do so only on terms to be agreed in writing in each   otherwise are hereby excluded.
              shall not constitute offer to sell and any order made   individual case.  15.3  Any repair of GOODS undertaken by HARTAC SALES,
              pursuant to any quotation shall not bind HARTAC SALES   (b)  The GOODS must be returned with the original packing.  which are found to be faulty due to misuse or improper
              unless such an order is expressly accepted in writing by               installation, shall be charged to the CUSTOMER at HARTAC
              HARTAC SALES.                      (c)  If the GOODS returned are over 7 days old, then HARTAC   SALES’s current hourly rate for required labour.
                                                   SALES shall be entitled to charge the CUSTOMER
          5.  PACKING                              restocking fee of up to 15% the current price of the   15.4  HARTAC SALES will supply replacement GOODS not less
            5.1  The cost of any special packing and packing materials   GOODS is applicable.  than 7 working days or as soon as practicable after the
              used in relation to the GOODS shall be at the CUSTOMER’S   (d)  If a credit return is accepted by HARTAC SALES credit note   receipt of returned GOODS. Where the CUSTOMER requires
              expense notwithstanding that such cost may have been   will be issued to the CUSTOMER by HARTAC SALES no   immediate replacement, HARTAC SALES shall be entitled to
              omitted from any quotation and the customer agrees to pay   less than one working day after such acceptance.  charge the CUSTOMER for the additional cost of doing so.
              any such reasonable cost.          (e)  Any custom made products cannot be returned for credit.  15.5  If by reason of stock shortage or discontinued lines, no exact
          6.  DELIVERY                       13.  RETENTION OF TITLE IN GOODS        replacement GOODS can be supplied by HARTAC SALES then
                                                                                     HARTAC SALES reserve the right to supply a substitute that
            6.1  The CUSTOMER shall take delivery of GOODS at the   13.1  HARTAC SALES shall remain the legal and beneficial owner   is a close an equivalent to the replacement GOODS as is
              CUSTOMER’S nominated delivery address. The delivery   of GOODS delivered to the CUSTOMER   and property in the   reasonably available to HARTAC SALES.
              times made known to the CUSTOMER are estimates only   GOODS shall not pass to the CUSTOMER   until payment by
              and HARTAC SALES is not liable for late delivery or non-  the CUSTOMER   to HARTAC SALES of all money owing by the   16.  CUSTOMER S PROPERTY
              delivery. HARTAC SALES is not liable for any loss, damage   CUSTOMER to HARTAC SALES.  16.1  Any property of the CUSTOMER under HARTAC SALES’s
              or delay occasioned to the CUSTOMER or its CUSTOMER’S   13.2  THE CUSTOMER   takes possession of the GOODS as a trustee   custody or control shall be entirely at the CUSTOMER’S risk
              arising from late delivery or non-delivery or late installation   and bailee of HARTAC SALES and agrees to keep the GOODS   as regards loss or damage caused to the property or by it.
              of the GOODS.                      separate from the CUSTOMER’S own and that of third parties   17.  STORAGE
          7.  LOSS OR DAMAGE IN TRANSIT          and properly and separately stored, protected and insured   17.1  HARTAC SALES reserves the right to make a reasonable
            7.1  HARTAC SALES is not responsible for any loss or damage to   until payment in full to HARTAC SALES.  charge for storage if sufficient delivery instructions are not
              GOODS in transit. HARTAC SALES shall give the CUSTOMER   13.3  In the event that the CUSTOMER fails to pay any sum owed   provided by the CUSTOMER.
              such assistance as HARTAC SALES may regard as reasonably   to HARTAC SALES in respect of the GOODS or commits and   18.  GOODS
              necessary to press claims against carriers provided that the   act of bankruptcy or a receiver or receiver and manager
              CUSTOMER;                          or a controller or managing controller is appointed or the   18.1  All GOODS to be supplied by HARTAC SALES are as described
              (a)  Notifies HARTAC SALES and the carriers in writing within   CUSTOMER goes into liquidation, voluntary administration   on the purchase order agreed by HARTAC SALES and
                                                                                     the CUSTOMER. The description prevails over all other
                24 hours of the receipt of the GOODS and  or some other form of insolvency administration whether   descriptions including any CUSTOMER’S specifications or
              (b)  Lodges a claim against the carrier within 3 days of the   formal or informal or the CUSTOMER   proposes or enters   inquiry.
                                                 into scheme or compromise or arrangement or deed of
                date of receipt of the GOODS.    company arrangement with the CUSTOMER  ’s creditors   19.  LIABILITY
          8.  PRICES                             or the CUSTOMER   ceases to carry on business then,   19.1  HARTAC SALES will not be liable for any lost revenue or
            8.1  All prices quoted by HARTAC SALES are those listed on   without prejudice to any other rights of HARTAC SALES,   profit caused by the use of the GOODS. It is the CUSTOMER’S
              HARTAC SALES’ current price list. The price list is subject   HARTAC SALES is entitled to enter immediately onto the   responsibility to ensure that data stored in or associated
              to change without notice. CUSTOMER’S should check the   CUSTOMER’S premises at any time and retake possession of   with the GOODS is adequately protected or backed up.
              current price availability of items before ordering.   all GOODS and the CUSTOMER hereby expressly authorises   19.2  Except insofar as they cannot be excluded or limited,
            8.2  Prices of GOODS are subject to alteration without notice and,   and agrees to HARTAC SALES being entitled to enter into the   all warranties terms and conditions whether express or
              whilst every effort is made to adhere to prevailing prices,   CUSTOMER’S premises for such purpose.  implied by statute, common law or trade custom or usage or
              orders are accepted strictly on the basis that the price which   13.4  HARTAC SALES authorises the CUSTOMER to sell or use   otherwise, are hereby expressly excluded.
              will apply is the price ruling at the date of dispatch.  GOODS in the ordinary course of the CUSTOMER’S business   19.3  To the extent that any term, warranty or condition cannot be
            8.3  Published or quoted prices are exclusive of GOODS and   and upon such use or sale:  excluded, such term, warranty or condition is, to the extent
              Service Tax, which will be charged at the rate applicable at   (a)  As between HARTAC SALES and the CUSTOMER, the   permitted by law, limited to the;
              the appropriate tax point.           CUSTOMER   sells the GOODS on behalf of and as bailee   (a)  Repair of GOODS;
            8.4  Any variation to prices from those quoted which arise as   and trustee for HARTAC SALES;  (b)  Replacement of GOODS or the supply of equivalent
              a result of government taxes and levies will be for the   (b)  As between the CUSTOMER and any third party, the   GOODS, or
              Purchaser’s account.                 CUSTOMER sells as principal;     (c)  Payment of the cost of either (a) or (b).
          9.  PAYMENT                            (c)  The CUSTOMER shall hold an account for the whole of the
                                                   proceeds of the such sales separately and upon trust for
            9.1  If payment in full is not made by the due date, HARTAC   HARTAC SALES; and  20.  CANCELLATION
              SALES is entitled to:              (d)  HARTAC SALES shall be entitled to the whole of the   20.1  No order may be cancelled except with HARTAC SALES’s
            (1)  Apply interest at the rate of 4% above the rate of interest   proceeds of such sale provided that the CUSTOMER   consent in writing and on condition that the CUSTOMER
              charged by the Bank of Western Australia on overdrafts in   shall be entitled to deduct amounts from the sale   indemnifies HARTAC SALES against all losses resulting from
                                                                                     such cancellation.
              excess of $100,000.00;               proceeds held on that trust, but only to the extent that
            (2)  Require payment in advance of delivery for undelivered   the remaining sum held on that trust is not less than the   21.  WAIVER
              GOODS;                               amount of the purchase of the GOODS sold.  21.1  The failure by HARTAC SALES to enforce any of these terms
            (3)  Refuse to make delivery of any undelivered GOODS,   14.  GOODS AND SERVICES TAX  and conditions does not constitute a waiver of HARTAC
              whether ordered under the contract or not and without   14.1  HARTAC SALES will always charge the CUSTOMER and the   SALES’s rights to enforce them.
              incurring any liability whatsoever to the PURCHASER for   CUSTOMER will pay to HARTAC SALES the GOODS and   22.  SEVERABILITY
              non-delivery or delay in delivery.  Services Tax (GST) payable on the supply of the GOODS by
            9.2  CUSTOMER’S who have been authorised and have made   HARTAC SALES to the CUSTOMER according to the current   22.1  To the extent that any one or more of the provisions
                                                                                     herein contained is prohibited by any applicable law, such
              prior arrangements with HARTAC SALES, may deposit   tax rate laid down by the Australian Taxation Office.  provision shall to such an extent be ineffective without
              payment of the purchase price for GOODS directly into                  invalidating or modifying the remaining provisions which
              HARTAC SALES’s bank account unless otherwise notified,  15.  WARRANTY  shall continue in full force and effects as if the provisions so
             The banking details for HARTAC SALES are:  15.1  HARTAC SALES warrants that GOODS are free from defect   prohibited had not been included.
             BANK       Bankwest                 in workmanship and materials for a period of 12 months
                                                 from the date of invoice to the CUSTOMER, Subject to
             BRANCH     James Street Northbridge WA  the following conditions of warranty, if the GOODS fail to
             ACCT NAME   Hartac Sales and Distribution Pty Ltd
  450                   W:        Free call within Australia  1800 427 822                                                               Free call within Australia  1800 427 822  W:
                                                                                                                                                                               +61 8 9373 3700
                                                    International enquiries
                                                                        +61 8 9373 3700
                                                                                                                                                           International enquiries
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